

The ADAM team (Ambient Data Access and Mining), dont l’expertise concerne la modélisation de données hétérogènes, l’intégration et la fusion sémantique de ces données, ainsi que l’extraction de connaissances à l’aide de requêtes complexes et de techniques de fouille.


The ALMOST team  (Algorithms and Stochastic Models), whose expertise concerns modeling, algorithmic resolution and performance evaluation, in various fields of application (smart cities, telecommunications, molecular analysis).

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The PETRUS team  (Personal and Trusted Cloud), whose expertise concerns personal data management structures and algorithms and their security, data management based on secure hardware, sharing models, and the integration of all of these techniques into architectures Privacy-by-Design allowing the individual to manage his digital heritage under control.


The NGN team  (Next Generation Networks), whose expertise concerns mobility management, connectivity, resource allocation in new generation 5G mobile networks and beyond. Keywords: 5G, IoT, virtualization…